5 Quick Tips About Website Accessibility

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Making your website accessible to everyone is important. It’s not just the right thing to do, it can also help you increase your revenue and improve your customer satisfaction ratings. In this article, we will discuss 5 quick tips that will help make your website more accessible for everyone!

Tip # 1: Consider the colors

Ensure that there is always a distinction between the material and its background. It’s worth noting that millions of people throughout the world are unable to distinguish between colors or their many hues. Color contrast helps those suffering from color blindness.

Colors can be utilized to guide, signal, or even steer the user through the website, in addition to boosting brand identification. If the website has been properly created, most users will not have a problem identifying colors. However, in interactive elements or action calls, this may become an issue. If a single-colored text link with no underline or darker highlighting color is not underlined, it may be difficult to determine a link if it has not been highlighted.

Tip # 2: Make use of a Content Management System

The adaptability of your website also has an impact. It’s much simpler to make the required adjustments to enhance website accessibility with a more flexible website. A content management system (CMS) is a wonderful method to achieve that aim.

You can make any changes to your website, like changing its name or adding new pages, using CMS software like WordPress. You may use Elementor’s page builder plugins to improve the readability of your design without writing any code. Use a CMS to construct your website if at all feasible. It will save you a lot of money otherwise spent on web development firms.

Tip # 3: Contextual Links, A More Effective Description

Users who navigate using screen readers have the option to skip from link to link until they reach the information they’re seeking. When a link is selected, the browser of the screen reader reads it aloud. If the only content available on a linked page is “click here,” users won’t be able to figure out what the URL function is since there’s no context surrounding it.

It’s important to have informative link descriptions to assist users and orient them. Instead of “Click here,” use “Contact us here” instead of “Click here.” Instead of “See additional” use “Browse additional relevant subjects here.” The benefit of utilizing more relevant contextual links is that not only does search engine optimization benefit but so does SEO.

Tip # 4: Use headings properly

The Heading tags allow screen reader users to visit the parts of your page that they are interested in. A heading on a website is an outline of the site; by prefixing a <h2> with an <h1>, you identify a section that is part of the preceding <h1>. I’m guilty of this, as well.

You’ll be hard-pressed to discover a legitimate explanation for why I’ve misused heading elements in every situation where I’ve done so. You won’t either. This easy web accessibility guideline can help those who use screen-reading software navigate the internet more easily. Breaking down a lengthy website into logical sections with headings makes it simpler to find what you’re looking for.

Imagine reading the first paragraph of an article and wanting to leave a comment right away, with the comment form located at the bottom of a page. This would be simple for sighted people: all you have to do is scroll down and visually spot the web form. On sites that are mostly text-based, such as this one, however, even though the comment box is physically positioned at the bottom of the web page, it is actually towards mid-way up in your HTML structure.

Users using screen readers would have to wade through a lot of material if there are no section headers indicating where the web form starts. The level 3 heading “Leave a Comment” on Six Revisions will allow blind and visually disabled people to go straight to the comment area.

Tip # 5: Make sure your website is working properly.

The first step in making your website accessible is to conduct a website assessment, which involves analyzing the site’s design elements to identify areas that need to be improved. Your site might be missing important pieces even if you’ve written clean code and followed conventional web design standards. When using screen reading software, for example, media alt-tags that assist explain the pictures and visuals. Running a web accessibility test will point out any gaps in your website that need to be addressed.

You will get a competitive advantage over your competitors by making your website accessible to a wider audience. This will not only make your product or service more accessible to a wider audience, but it will also provide you with a competitive advantage over your competitors. You’ll also save a lot of time and money by avoiding prospective litigation.

Does Your Business Need a New Website That Brings in New Business?

Remember, when creating a website you have two equally important audiences: Humans and Google.  Most website designers stick to designing for humans. Why? Because the client wants a beautiful site first, and the designer is interested in making that client happy.  But unfortunately, that’s where most designers stop.  Magnified Media designs sites for both Humans and Google. Why again you ask? The reason is simple – if you don’t make your site Google-friendly, it won’t ever get seen by Humans! Interested in seeing what we can do for your business? Schedule your free Online Presence Audit now.

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Picture of Adam Duran
Adam Duran

Digital Marketing Director at Magnified Media, is a Local & National SEO expert with 10+ years of experience helping businesses dominate online. As the host of "Local SEO in 10" and a passionate educator, Adam makes SEO simple, delivering real strategies that drive real results.

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Picture of Adam Duran
Adam Duran

Digital Marketing Director at Magnified Media, is a Local & National SEO expert with 10+ years of experience helping businesses dominate online. As the host of "Local SEO in 10" and a passionate educator, Adam makes SEO simple, delivering real strategies that drive real results.

Ready to Get Started? Reach out now so together we can build a supercharge your business growth.

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