How Strong Is Your Yelp Game?

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There are three levels to making your Yelp game strong, so for fun, I have divided them into three levels of cuteness:

Level 1

This level is fairly easy for every business to achieve. Go to Yelp, search for your business, and look for “Claim this Listing.” Click on that and, yep you guessed it, claim your business.  Yelp will call the phone number to verify the listing with a code for you to type in so be prepared to answer immediately. Like I said, easy.

Understand that you will now have a Personal Yelp Account (if you use Yelp already) and a Business Yelp Account.  Fill out all the fields in your business profile and include keywords in every section.  These are keywords your future customers will be using to search for your business, so go crazy!

Grammar is important so don’t go too cray-cray though.

Level 2

This level may be a little more difficult but the benefits for gaining new business are amazing.  Add photos, photos, and more photos!  Yelp doesn’t limit you to how many photos you can upload. You cannot choose the order they appear in – unless you pay Yelp – but that doesn’t matter. More is better! 

The next thing you want to do? Respond to customer reviews, and when you do, include your keywords in your responses.  Be professional in those responses and make them pithy as they will also be read by future customers.  Re-affirming that your business is not run by a crazy person – you – is also a nice touch.

Level 3

You might need some help with this level of your Yelp game.  If you’ve been able to add photos, that’s great! Now we want you to add photos that are edited with your logo, tagline, and contact info. In the description add your site keywords in the tagline in a grammatically sensible manner.

Here’s why: Yelp is one site that Google regularly farms for images. These images appear in Google searches but are of course stripped of all tag lines or descriptions. Having these edited directly into your images means that info cannot be ignored by your potential customers or re-used by unscrupulous competitors.

As an aside, if you are an in-home service provider, don’t ever ever ever ever put up “before” photos! Why? These photos will be also farmed by Google and guess which photos will make their way up to the top images to reflect your business? Yes, that’s right. Those before photos!

That’s it, simple steps to making your Yelp game strong will bring in more business!

Know a business that needs help with its Yelp game? Ever heard someone say “I hate Yelp?” We want to meet those people! We love Yelp! Contact Magnified Media Network now for a free consultation.

(Here is a map of our location.)

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Picture of Adam Duran
Adam Duran

Digital Marketing Director at Magnified Media, is a Local & National SEO expert with 10+ years of experience helping businesses dominate online. As the host of "Local SEO in 10" and a passionate educator, Adam makes SEO simple, delivering real strategies that drive real results.

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Picture of Adam Duran
Adam Duran

Digital Marketing Director at Magnified Media, is a Local & National SEO expert with 10+ years of experience helping businesses dominate online. As the host of "Local SEO in 10" and a passionate educator, Adam makes SEO simple, delivering real strategies that drive real results.

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