Address: 2261 Dapplegray Ln, Walnut Creek, CA 94597
We have all of our after-school picnics here and don’t see a change happening any time soon.
This is an extraordinary park to set up a gathering! My children’s preschool verified a couple of BBQs and park tables for everybody to appreciate. It’s such a perfect park. There is so much room and a lot of play areas for all the little children.
Our gathering was around 40 individuals in aggregate. We sat at tables or spread out covers and had our picnics.
Children can run openly on the substantial grass regions. The washrooms are pleasant and clean and promptly accessible for minimal ones to wash their hands.
There are a couple of play structures for both bigger and smaller children. Those regions appear the most confined and a huge amount of residue was exploding from all the running little feet trampling everything.
Generally, this is an extremely decent park. On the off chance that you walk your pooch through a huge gathering of children and guardians, be set up to have a huge petting scene for your puppy. An extraordinary preparation ground for those pooch proprietors out there.
We have the majority of our after-school picnics here and don’t see a change happening at any point shortly.