Top 7 Digital Marketing Agencies near Walnut Creek, California for 2023

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We know finding the best digital marketing services in California can be difficult, so we put together this detailed list of the best of the best so you can make your choice wisely.  Each digital marketing company has its own signature creative brand and technical knowledge that aims to help clients become the go-to authority in their market. As social media has become a major part of everyone’s lives, businesses need to take advantage of everything the internet offers. The need for digital marketing has been rapidly increasing and the industry is currently considered an essential element in the success of every business. If you know another company that should also be included in our list – or one that should be removed – please let us know!

1. Magnified Media

1261 Locust St Number 76, Walnut Creek, CA 94596


About: Adam Duran established Magnified Media in 2014. The company helps businesses convert leads into customers, customers into clients, and clients into referrers. Many business owners don’t have the time to market their business effectively.  Magnified Media will help the business grow in three practical ways so the business owner or the entrepreneur won’t have to worry about where their next customer is coming from. They aim to help their clients master their marketing by; (1) getting them more online reviews; (2) getting their website seen and (3) creating engaging content for their customers on social media. 

Services/Amenities: Advertising services, digital advertising, e-commerce marketing, email marketing, market research & analysis, mobile advertising, pay-per-click advertising, search engine optimization, social media marketing, UX/UI Design, web development, brand management, digital marketing, e-Commerce website development, Graphic design, marketing services, online reputation management, search engine marketing, social media advertising, social media optimization, web design and website maintenance

Who is a Perfect Candidate: Business owners or entrepreneurs

2.   MediaJel

1475 N Broadway #400, Walnut Creek, CA 94596, United States


About: They are large-scale data strategists, intentionally clever technologists, and creative minds. They are working hard to ensure that every aspect of the campaigns adds value to the business.

Services/Amenities: MediaJel offers smarter and more economical means at the right time to advertise with the right message through brand marketing, marketing content, the optimization of search engines, retail strategy, social media marketing, and off-home marketing to the right audience. 

Who is a Perfect Candidate:  Business owners or entrepreneurs?

3.   KO Websites Inc.

3209 Castro Valley Blvd #4, Castro Valley, CA 94546, United States


About: As the air traffic control chief, Ken O’Donnell, founder and president of KO Websites, Inc. retired from the FAA. He is a specialist in the management of projects and directing workers in a demanding environment. More than 15 years ago Ken started the company KO Websites, Inc., a web designer business from the Bay Area and Internet Marketing. KKen is most famous for his excellent work in SEO. KO Websites trust old-school customer relations and new-school marketing strategies.

Services/Amenities: KO Websites Inc. offers SEO services, local search and listing, Google AdWords, social media marketing, content writing, and video marketing. KO Websites have the expertise to deal with your diverse technology and web design projects at an affordable price. Free quote!

Who is a Perfect Candidate: KO Websites provides a great web design package, if you are a small business who are looking for superb professional web design, hosting, SE O, and continuous support.

4.   SocialPulsar Inc.

388 Market St #1300, San Francisco, CA 94111, United States


About: SocialPulsar was founded in 2015 by Ajish Nair. Twelve years and more have enriched him with his experience in virtually all areas of business intelligence and digital technology, allowing him to establish the organization’s clear view and mission. SocialPulsar follows high standards of professionalism and advances creative ideas that activate markets and give users’ minds a cascading impact.

Services/Amenities: SocialPulsar offers social media marketing, search engine marketing, content marketing, digital branding, and analytics.

Who is a Perfect Candidate: Business owners or entrepreneurs

5.   EnlightWorks


About: EnlightWorks is headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area. They provide services and collaborations to their clients with 20 years of experience in corporate growth, marketing, technology,y, and design.

Services/Amenities: EnlightWorks is a digital marketing agency committed to the results-oriented development of web design, internet marketing, graphic design, and online solutions.

Who is a Perfect Candidate: Small businesses and government organizations in California and nationwide.

6.   Single Origin Media

1212 Broadway Plaza, Walnut Creek, CA 94596, United States


About: An innovative and full-service marketing business based in Walnut Creek, California. Single Origins specializes in the strategic, management, and implementation of effective digital end-to-end marketing strategies for all brand styles. They’ve developed and run thousands of positive campaigns and hundreds of excellent websites that deliver results to our customers thanks to over 75 years of joint experience in digital marketing and design.

Services/Amenities: Social media marketing, SEO and AdWords, video content, web design, branding strategies and graphic designs. 

Who is a Perfect Candidate: Business owners or entrepreneurs

7.    Sparq Marketing


About: Sparq Marketing has been delivering integrated marketing solutions since 2011. In all projects, they carry innovation, innovative execution, and professional excellence. They think that emotional digital marketing strategies need to inspire action.

Services/Amenities: Sparq Marketing offers a wide range of services like Social Media Marketing, Facebook Advertising, Website Redesign, Email Marketing and SEO/Blogging.

Who is a Perfect Candidate: Its clients include marketing agencies, consultants, coached,s and small to medium-sized companies who need branding and marketing assistance to enhance the look and efficiency of their products and services.

Are you Looking for a Digital Marketing Agency You Can Trust?

Magnified Media is a digital marketing agency specializing in growing the visibility and credibility of our clients throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.  Why? Only with Visibility and Credibility will a company continue to grow and thrive.  Headquartered in Walnut Creek, California, we are their trusted outsourced digital marketing solution, focused on doing three things for our clients: getting them more online reviews, getting their website seen in Google Maps and creating content for their social media platforms.  Focusing on these key areas for our clients means they can run their business without worrying about when – or where – the next customer is coming. We help build their business through reputation. Interested in seeing what we can do for your business? Schedule your free Online Presence Audit now.

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Picture of Adam Duran
Adam Duran

Digital Marketing Director at Magnified Media, is a Local & National SEO expert with 10+ years of experience helping businesses dominate online. As the host of "Local SEO in 10" and a passionate educator, Adam makes SEO simple, delivering real strategies that drive real results.

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Picture of Adam Duran
Adam Duran

Digital Marketing Director at Magnified Media, is a Local & National SEO expert with 10+ years of experience helping businesses dominate online. As the host of "Local SEO in 10" and a passionate educator, Adam makes SEO simple, delivering real strategies that drive real results.

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