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Address: 425 Castle Rock Rd, Walnut Creek, CA 94598

Test scores at this school are far over the state ordinary, prescribing that most understudies at this school are performing at or above assessment level.

This school is far over the state typical in key extents of school and calling status. To be sure, even at schools with strong school and livelihood accessibility, there may be understudies who are not getting the open entryways they need to succeed.

Northgate High School has a 4-year graduation rate of 97% with a SAT status rate of 83% and moreover a rate of 83% of all understudies finishing at any rate one AP tests.

School insistences officers look at both an understudy’s assessments and the component of coursework taken. Taking impelled courses demonstrates that understudies are glad to challenge themselves. Furthermore, some pushed courses, as AP, may meet all necessities for school credit and raise the understudy’s GPA.

Well it’s solitary a school and all schools have their issues. Northgate High School has some extraordinary instructors. Nevertheless, a part of the new standards are totally senseless.

The amount of front line courses taken per understudy at this school is significantly higher than the state typical.

It’s altogether incredible and the new spanish teacher is extraordinary! Nevertheless, some various things at this school make it not the best.

Incredible educating condition. No BS here.

This is a shocking school undoubtedly, beginning from a first-singular perspective. Scholastics are remarkable, and teachers are staggering. The social components here are mind blowing as well, so there will constantly be a spot for you to feel welcome. The primary issue with the spot are its nonattendance of windows and cramped wandering space.!1m24!1m8!1m3!1d50365.3423489216!2d-122.039147!3d37.910945!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!4m13!3e0!4m5!1s0x80856010cb9511d9%3A0x5b8e595797425721!2sNorthgate%20High%20School%2C%20425%20Castle%20Rock%20Rd%2C%20Walnut%20Creek%2C%20CA%2094598!3m2!1d37.9082197!2d-122.00879769999999!4m5!1s0x80900273d6863c49%3A0xf9fc58c68cdacc81!2sMagnified%20Media%2C%201261%20Locust%20St%20Number%2076%2C%20Walnut%20Creek%2C%20CA%2094596!3m2!1d37.8970175!2d-122.0615864!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1735011427098!5m2!1sen!2sus

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Adam Duran

Digital Marketing Director at Magnified Media, is a Local & National SEO expert with 10+ years of experience helping businesses dominate online. As the host of "Local SEO in 10" and a passionate educator, Adam makes SEO simple, delivering real strategies that drive real results.

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Picture of Adam Duran
Adam Duran

Digital Marketing Director at Magnified Media, is a Local & National SEO expert with 10+ years of experience helping businesses dominate online. As the host of "Local SEO in 10" and a passionate educator, Adam makes SEO simple, delivering real strategies that drive real results.

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